Our school has a Crisis Response Box that includes a comprehensive school safety plan. Required by the state, the plan includes policies and procedures for responding to:
- Disasters such as fire, earthquake, or situations requiring a lock down.
- Serious disciplinary problems.
- Child abuse.
- Sexual harassment.
The safety of our students is a primary concern of the staff at Adams Elementary School. We have created an Emergency Plan and we hold safety drills during the school year. Safety drills are held monthly on campus. All individuals on campus during drills must participate. In the event of an earthquake or other emergency, the school grounds will be locked down. You may pick up your child at School Street Gate.
Please make sure that accurate and complete emergency information for your child is given to the school and that the office is notified promptly of any changes. Current phone numbers are crucial in the event of an emergency.Adult supervision is provided in classrooms and in outside areas before and after school, during recess and lunch, and during passing time between classes. Under the direction of the principal or site administrator, specific school building security procedures are implemented by staff. In addition, district offices support schools by reviewing and disseminating safety requirements and information, coordinating safety-related services, and providing training and assistance.
SDUSD School Safety
All staff are directed to check that any non-employee adult on campus has a visitor's pass. Any adult on campus without a pass will be redirected to the office to sign in and obtain a pass.
Adults are expected to conduct themselves appropriately for an elementary school site (ie: appropriate language, attire, and behavior). Any adult displaying inappropriate behavior and/or If at any time a parent or guardian uses a threatening tone, gesture or words, leaves a threatening voicemail or sends an email that is considered hostile verbally or physically, or uses profanity towards any staff member and/or around students, they will be directed to leave the premises. campus immediately.